Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Postage Required

If you would like to take part in the mural project but live outside the Fort Morgan area, send a check payable to MCAAC for $15. Send it along with your tile application to: Ft. Morgan Mural Project % MCAAC, P.O. Box 111, Fort Morgan, CO  80701

Click here for application. (Please ignore deadline.)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Workshop Schedule and Map

Come to one or all of the workshops. Tuesday workshop will be a brown bag dop in  time to eat lunch and paint during your lunch hour or so.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Workshop Schedule

Mural Tile Painting Workshop Schedule.
2nd Monday, 7pm-9pm, and
2nd Saturday, 9am-noon, of each month.
Each Tuesday 11:30am-3pm, brown bag lunch workshop.
First workshop, Sat., April 10 and will continue through Aug. 15.
Workshops to be held in the tan building behind the Old City Hall 100 block between Main and State Streets.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Community Freedom Flag

This mural was created by the community of South Jordan, Utah - including students from kindergarten to grade 12.

Mural Mosaics

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Winner Announced

A design submitted by Pat Samples-Ehrlich, local commercial artist, has been selected for the Fort Morgan Mural Project, completing phase one of the project.
Samples-Ehrlich, of Weldona, has painted numerous murals over the years and, as a commercial artist since 1975, has produced signs from Colorado to New Zealand and many places in between.
A judging panel selected Samples-Ehrlich’s design from among six entries. In addition to Samples-Ehrlich, entries came from Carol Boodakian, Kelly Henderson, Kirsten Russell, Heather Arenas and Bonnie Lieder.
“I kept the design simple so that the overall design will not be complicated,” Samples-Ehrlich said.
Judges were Pat Merrill, City of Fort Morgan; Juan Mecillas, representing the Downtown Business Assoc. and Fort Morgan Chamber; and Ann Iungerich, director for the Fort Morgan Mural Project.
“We were pleased with the quality of the designs submitted and the creativity involved,” Iungerich commented.
Samples-Ehrlich’s winning entry earned her $200 cash prize plus other considerations.
The winning design will be unveiled when the mural is presented on Sept. 18 at the Fall Harvest Car show.
The Fort Morgan Mural Project now enters phase two, where 480 artists from the area will have the opportunity to paint a 12”x12” panel of the mural. Workshops will be offered to provide specifics for that phase.
Artists of all levels, from beginner to advanced, are encouraged to apply to paint a panel. There is no charge to artists. Both the canvas and paints will be provided.
Artists do not have to live in Fort Morgan but should have some connection with the community. Applications will be taken on a first-come/first-serve basis.
Artists will have from April 1-Aug 15 to complete their panel. Although artists are asked to apply for only one tile, some artists may have opportunity to do more than one if applications are below the 480 mark.
Individual tile applications can be obtained at the Fort Morgan Chamber office, The Flower Petaler, Impressions by Bird, the Fort Morgan Library and various other places around town.
The first official workshop for artist will be held on April 10 from 9am – noon at the building behind City Hall. The completed mural will eventually be mounted on the south side of that building.
For more information, please contact Iungerich at 970-867-2363 or http://fmmuralproject.blogspot.com/ or fmmuralproject@gmail.com.

Phase One is Complete

The overall design of the mural has now been chosen. Pat M., of the City of Fort Morgan, and Juan M., representing the DBA and FM Chamber, analyze the design enteries before selecting the winner.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Deadline fast approaching!

The deadline for the overall mural design is Monday, March 15. Turn in 8"x60" designs to the Fort Morgan Chamber office, 300 Main St., Fort Morgan, CO during regular business hours.

Mosaic Murals for more ideas.

Mini Mural

Here is the most recent mini mural from the Arts Council workshop.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Your News Article

FORT MORGAN, Colorado (YN) - Being a town on a railroad line, Fort Morgan residents are able to hear trains passing through the town on a regular basis. Passing trains means that outsiders see the town each day and will carry stories of Fort Morgan far and wide.

The Morgan County Area Arts Council is trying to help those people passing through to have lasting memories of
Fort Morgan.

The Fort Morgan Mural Project will be an eight foot tall, sixty foot long mural built near the railroad for this purpose.

Ideas for what to put on the mural are being accepted. Some ideas may range from a historical timeline of
Fort Morgan or a girl riding a bicycle, but as long as it represents the community.

The mural will be a mosaic painting and approximately 480 people will be needed for it.

For more information, call 867-2363.

For More Your News - click here

Arts Council Meeting

The Morgan County Area Arts Council will be working on mini murals at its regular Monday meeting with the public invited to join in. Following a short instructional time, those attending will together paint a mini mural.

There is a $5 fee for supplies. The Arts Council will meet on Monday, March 8, at 7 pm at the School for the Performing Arts at 914 State Street in Fort Morgan, lower level. Those interested in participating in the Ft Morgan Mural Project are especially encouraged to attend the meeting.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New News Site

Local radio station KFTM, now also has an online newspaper. Check it out... we have an article there. Just enter 80701 and click on "local" to take you to the Fort Morgan info.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cloud County Kanas Mural

At the Sunrise Optimist meeting, Harold Bohm showed us the mural that was done in his hometown in Kansas. It is amazing!! Check out their blog..... Cloud County Brick Mural.